Benefits of Clear Braces

Jun 14, 2017

When people think of braces, the first thing that often comes to mind are old traditional metal braces. Luckily for certain dental patients, a mouth full of metal isn’t your only option anymore. Clear braces are a newer form of dental treatment that can straighten teeth without the unsightly metal. If you’d like to discuss clear braces, contact Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates and schedule an appointment today!

What Can Clear Braces Correct?

  • Teeth spacing and alignment issues
  • Teeth that are too crowded/close together
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Teeth that are rotated or crooked

For complex bite or misalignment issues, traditional metal braces may be a more suitable option. Your dentist at Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates can discuss your exact dental issues and which would be best for your specific situation. Children and senior citizens with complex dental issues are not candidates for clear braces and other treatment options will have to be discussed.

Clear Braces vs. Metal Braces

There are many differences between clear and metal braces, although the overall goal and results are the same. Braces are used to correct spacing, alignment and rotation issues with a patient’s teeth. Some of these differences you may notice are:

  • Metal braces are cemented to teeth and do not allow removal for eating, drinking or cleaning.
  • Metal brackets and wires can make it difficult to clean your teeth.
  • Metal braces can interfere with eating and speaking.
  • Clear braces are customized to fit your mouth perfectly, increasing overall comfort.
  • Clear braces are invisible and have a much better appearance.
  • Clear braces can be removed for eating and cleaning.

At Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates, we use ClearCorrect, invisible teeth straightening aligners. They provide a more aesthetic appearance in comparison to metal braces. With ClearCorrect, there are four phases involved. Each phase uses a different invisible aligner and lasts three weeks. The ClearCorrect braces can be removed for eating, drinking and cleaning but must be worn at all other times.

If you’d like to get the smile you’ve always dreamed of, contact Dr. Cabrera Dental Associates and schedule an appointment with our staff!